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Hi friends!

I dearly hope everyone is safe, healthy and happy with all the craziness going on. To ensure that we are protecting others and ourselves we have some rules we’d like everyone to follow for the time being. I’ve named these the 10 Commandments of a COVID-19 FREE Space ;)

1. We will not be collecting recycled clay; all of your scraps from throwing or trimming can be thrown away.

2. If possible, provide your own tools and various materials. This way we can keep track of our own communal tools and the status of their cleanliness. Use your own towels and aprons-you should be doing this anyway but here is your reminder!I’ve linked some great options below. These include throwing kits, specialty tools and paintbrushes.

3. Use your own project boards where possible, or if you have some of our MDF boards, keep reusing those & DO NOT return them to the crate tables beside the wheels. 

4. If you are using communal tools, please wash them in hot water and spray with lysol before returning them to the pegboard walls.

5. If you are using the wheel, please use the lysol can provided to quickly spray your surface. A reminder stores are currently not stocked with copious amounts of cleaning products so please use appropriately (but not sparingly).

6. We have been wiping down common surface areas such as the light switches, door handles, bathroom products, etc. with the Clorox disinfecting wipes. If you feel inclined, you may use the wipes to wipe down these surfaces again before or after you use them.

7. No personal belongings in the office for the time being. Please leave these behind the front door in the wheel room.

8. Please use your own large cleaning sponge, we will have large sponges for classes or for those who are not prepared. Chelsi and I will be cleaning our current stock with a hot water and bleach mixture.

9. If you are sick, if anyone you’ve been in contact with is sick, please please please don’t come in! Like Chelsi mentioned in her previous wix post we are more than happy to put a tote together of your belongings and leave them outside the front door for pickup.

10. Leave input or suggestions for Pottery Mill staff or other members. Whether it be working from home, storage suggestions, etc. If you have any suggestions for us, please send us a message!

We love this space full of creativity and community! Moving forward, we need to make smart decisions to ensure a safe space for makers to make. If you have any questions at all please message either Chelsi or I on wix or email us at PLEASE LIKE THIS POST SO WE KNOW YOU HAVE READ THROUGH!

Unknown member
Oct 02, 2020

I was there this afternoon and just ended up picking up a few things. I forgot my toolbox on the floor next to my shelf. I’ll be in tomorrow to pick it up. Thanks


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