Please read for cashbox reminders!
Firstly, you've all been doing really well making sure to add your names to your receipts! We've just been having a few random issues would like to address. We have been finding loose cash in the cash box with no receipt to match or the receipts not paper clipped. Please be sure to fold your money in half, paper clip, and then insert into the cash box. There are a lot of receipts in there every week and we can't always match loose money to receipts especially if you need change back! Additionally, you can just fold your money in half with a paper clip and receipt. No need to crumple or fold a whole bunch together, that way it all fits in there.
Just a reminder too, if you print a receipt without your name entered digitally, please do not write it by hand as it will not be in our system. Just re-print a new receipt with your name!
Thank you so much for keeping up with our systems!