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  1. Hi all :) we have a beautiful new sink in the wheel room! it was definitely time! PLEASE CONTINUE TO WASH YOUR SPLASH PANS IN YOUR SEAT. please use an orange sponge and clean your wheels with the dirty water in your bucket and then bring your bucket to the sink. The water in your bucket should go through THREE strainers. The black one, the white one, and the one in the drain. This helps the LEAST amount of clay to go down the drain. Rinse your sponge and give the wheel a second wipe down. Take the time to move the faucet so it’s not running through the strainer disintegrating more clay. I kno I’m very particular about something’s but this is very important, I want to take care of our beautiful new things and I don’t ever want a plumbing catastroph.

  2. Why can I not bring my splash pan to the sink to wash it out?

- clay and water gets all over the floor transporting your mud

-By consolidating all of your clay to just the bucket less goes down the drain or dumped all around the sink

- you use less water

-using less water also helps to not break down the clay that is in the sink and three strainers, meaning it does not go down the drain to build up later on In the pipes.

please like so I kno you read this.

Unknown member
Aug 08, 2021

Thanks for the tips!


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