Hey y’all! Here’s some details on the timeline about the ALL Gallery, and things we need from those participating in the meantime:
1. Pay for your spot here. We’re reducing the fee from $35 to $25. It’s $25 total for all the pieces you submit: https://www.potterymill.com/saleandeventregistration
2. All the submissions so far have been accepted! Pieces should be dropped off at the studio by **Sunday, August 11th**. Feel free to leave your pieces on the staff tables next to the computer. If you’d like to join, we’re extending the submission deadline to Sunday too! Please consider joining, a lot of you would do really well and the show really isn’t high-brow at all. The submission form is here: https://forms.gle/uHhoqRPKAAtrGPQEA
3. Next Monday on August 12th, staff will look over pottery to make sure there’s no huge defects. Then to the gallery it goes for setup on Monday/Tuesday (if you’re free during those afternoons, we’d love the help 😊).
4. The gallery opens on Wednesday, August 14th, and our reception for it will be Friday, August 16th @ 6pm - 9pm.
5. Your stuff will be at the gallery for the rest of the month until September 8th. We’ll clear out of the gallery on September 9th/10th. We’ll update about getting your pieces back then.
If you can share it around, please post onto your social media and let people know about the gallery! We also have physical postcards at the studio (I’ll leave some in the Wheel Room near the entrance).
Please let me know if I missed anything!
Do you guys still need help setting up?