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Public·256 members

Hi guys I had an idea while I was cleaning this morning 🤪 my staff kno to run when I say “I have an idea 😂” anyways a lot of you guys have smaller hobbies outside the studio that are resources to fellow potters. For example, I kno someone who makes notebooks, someone else who makes aprons, someone who makes wood bats for wheels, a couple people with 3D printers etc. i was wondering how we could go about supporting each other when we already purchase these things anyways off Etsy and stuff. For example utilizing someone in the studio for 3D printed stamps instead of a rando. Anyways if u have a hobby outside the space selling something you think potters specifically would like. Drop your info/ link below and other members can reach out! Maybe we can make a more formal thing if enough people are interested.

Unknown member
Dec 15, 2024

I think this is an amazing idea,


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