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Just wondering if there is anything I need to know about setting up for the sale on Saturday. Time to setup, dropping work off at the parking lot, etc. Looking forward to seeing everyone's work.

Unknown member
Jun 25, 2021

I’m going to say people can start setting up around 10. Just thinking of people have tents and stuff people may need helping hands from eachother to open pop ups and stuff, feel Free to drop stuff off at the studio tonight but remember we do have classes in the morning so maybe put in the L room for now. I just got some food ordered. We have a lot of community pages sharing the event and I have send out a few email blasts to peoples so hopefully we have a good turn out :) we will be closing the parking lot tonight. If someone is there tonight and can take on that job that would be sweet. Anything anyone can think of lmk so we can help plan :) this is our first year so I expect some level of learning even tho we’re trying to think of everything


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